石家庄联邦快递网点地址 石家庄FedEx快递上门收件
Since its establishment, Shijiazhuang Company has signedlong-term cooperation agreements with multiple airlines, acting asan agent for Shijiazhuang DHL Express, Shijiazhuang TNT Express,Shijiazhuang FedEx Express, Shijiazhuang UPS Express, EMS and otherexpress services. It has also opened multiple international airfreight lines in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the UnitedStates, and various countries in the Middle East. We provideprofessional, safe, and fast services to our customers. Our companyadheres to the development direction of always addressing theurgent needs of customers, adhering to honest management and beingan honest person, to serve every customer. Provide discounted andreasonable transportation prices to safeguard customerinterests.
We are willing to engage in various forms of cooperation withvarious industries both domestically and internationally. As longas you are willing, we can safely and timely transport your goodsto any corner of the world in a timely manner. What we can help yousave is not only shipping costs, but also our more professionaloperation team, which can reduce many unnecessary expenses for youand make your goods more smoothly shipped to various parts of theworld
At the same time, we cooperate with airlines from variouscountries around the world to collect goods from foreign companiesfor free.
石家庄 长安区 桥西区 新华区井陉矿区 裕华区 藁城区 鹿泉区 栾城区 井陉县 正定县 行唐县 灵寿县 高邑县 深泽县 赞皇县 无极县 平山县 元氏县 赵县 辛集市 晋州市 新乐市